Thursday, 23 April 2015

The view from this mat

I have had a few days away from the gym this week as I was in London for a long weekend but last week I witnessed some classic gym characters.

This isn't the Moulin Rouge

On Tuesdays #fudgeitfatclub members (Sarah and I) take ourselves to Body Combat and Body Pump.  Combat is ace and slightly daft, lots of kicking and punching to some quality tunes.  We stand at the front of the class, not to show off but simply to give ourselves room to flail about in an uncoordinated fashion.  But lo!  A new comer to the class set herself up behind us... a little too close for comfort but it happens, we shuffle forward.... she shuffles forward, and then the kicking portion of the class started.  She would kick between Sarah and I, we would shuffle forward, she would do it again despite having plenty of room behind her, GAH.  Time to deploy the pincer movement, as part of the class we run forward, as we're shuffling back we come together to fill the gap between us and push Captain Kicky backwards (without actual physical contact I hasten to add).  Needless to say at the next lesson she attended she cast us some serious shade.

I can't tear my eyes away

Thursday = yoga day, one of my favourite classes.  There are a number of regulars (remember Captain Breathy?) but last week we had a gentleman turn up who I hadn't seen before, he'd obviously been to yoga before because he had the moves (well most of them).  He set his mat up in front of me, all good I had lots of space to be zen, and then the class was taken through Cobra and into Downward Facing Dog...... my eyes!!  Dear sir, those shorts do not fit well, is that a brown eye I spy?  *Shudder*

Tonight I'm off to Yoga and will be trying Pilates for the first time, I'll let you know how it goes!

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